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The NetMeeting Dilemma:  "...cannot establish inbound connections from outside the firewall to computers inside the firewall...." (more information) (click here for more on trouble shooting netmeeting firewall problems using telnet, netmeeting firewall ports, netmeeting FAQs)

ThePacketCenter.Com Solution: "...ThePacketCenter.Com core software utilizes the Microsoft NetMeeting Data Stack, stabilizes the user interface and conferences  through firewalls when you want it to..." (more Information)

The Same Features as NetMeeting with Unparalleled Connectivity : "...ThePacketCenter.Com enables anyone to easily host or join a data conference using only their web browser..." (more information)

ILS Severs (netmeeting servers) vs. ThePacketCenter.Com: "...Instead of configuring your NetMeeting client to log-on to a specific ILS server ThePacketCenter.Com automatically logs you on to a server that handles all of the IP addressing issues..." (more information)


The NetMeeting Dilemma:

Microsoft NetMeeting is a free software which delivers data conferencing features for use within a company’s own intranet (peer-to-peer environment). For use outside of the intranet, severe security and accessibility restrictions are compromised and require considerable reconfiguration.  From Microsoft: “Security and Policy Concerns Some firewalls cannot support an arbitrary number of virtual internal IP addresses, or cannot do so dynamically. With these firewalls, you can establish outbound NetMeeting connections from computers inside the firewall to computers outside the firewall, and you can use the audio and video features of NetMeeting. Other people, though, cannot establish inbound connections from outside the firewall to computers inside the firewall. Typically, this restriction is due to limitations in the network implementation of the firewall. Some firewalls are capable of accepting only certain protocols and cannot handle TCP connections. For example, if your firewall is a Web proxy server with no generic connection handling mechanism, you will not be able to use NetMeeting through a firewall.” (click here for more on trouble shooting netmeeting firewall problems using telnet, netmeeting firewall ports, netmeeting FAQs)

ThePacketCenter.Com Solution:

The NetMeeting data conferencing program and ThePacketCenter.Com services are virtually  identical with a few   extremely important differences:  ThePacketCenter.Com core software utilizes the Microsoft NetMeeting Data Stack, stabilizes the user interface and conferences  through firewalls when you want it to. Instead of configuring your NetMeeting client to log-on to a specific ILS server automatically logs you on to a server that handles all of the IP addressing issues. enables a firewall compatible mode that engages a peer-to-server-to-peer architecture which operates through (internet) port 80. By utilizing T120 protocols, provides unparalleled connectivity for NetMeeting at the click of a button using existing Internet/Intranet connections.  No special lines, networks, or additional equipment are needed. No need to reconfigure your network ports. Just enable the peer-to-peer conferencing option in the hosting dialog box. By utilizing, you eliminate the arduous task of finding an appropriate ILS and sorting through the list to locate your conference target. (click here to trial netmeeting firewall solution)

The Same Features as NetMeeting with Unparalleled Connectivity :

ThePacketCenter.Com enables anyone to easily host or join a data conference using only their web browser. ThePacketCenter.Com works with existing Windows® operating system-based programs, allowing  applications to be shared transparently without requiring any special knowledge of conferencing capabilities. When an application has been shared, the other people in the conference see the actions that are performed as the person sharing the application works on the program (e.g., editing content, scrolling through information, proofing, etc.). In addition, the  person sharing the application can choose to collaborate, allowing other people in the conference to take turns editing or controlling the application. Each member of the conference does not need to have the given application on his or her system—only the person sharing the application. 

ILS Severs (netmeeting servers) vs. ThePacketCenter.Com:

The ILS servers (netmeeting server)  provide information on where conference participants are located. When you "Log on" to an ILS server you are telling the ILS server that you (identified by your supplied email address)  are connected to the internet, that you are at a certain IP address and that you are running NetMeeting and able to field calls. Now potential callers need know only two fixed pieces of information to call you: the ILS server that you are logged into or would log into if you are online, and the supplied email address. 

ThePacketCenter.Com’s core software utilizes the Microsoft NetMeeting Data Stack, stabilizes the user interface and conferences through firewalls when you want it to. Instead of configuring your NetMeeting client to log-on to a specific ILS server ThePacketCenter.Com automatically logs you on to a server that handles all of the IP addressing issues. ThePacketCenter.Com enables a firewall compatible mode that engages a peer-to-server-to-peer architecture which operates through (internet) port 80. By utilizing T120 protocols, ThePacketCenter.Com provides unparalleled connectivity for NetMeeting at the click of a button using existing Internet/Intranet connections. 

No special lines, networks, or additional equipment are needed. No need to reconfigure your network ports. Just enable the peer-to-peer conferencing option in the hosting dialog box. By utilizing ThePacketCenter.Com, you eliminate the arduous task of finding an appropriate ILS Server and sorting through the list to locate your conference target.
Some ILS Servers have people with offensive listings and/or other types of objectionable content on them. With ThePacketCenter.Com all participants are anonymous and found with a very easy to use conference code and conference password forum that assigns a unique code and password for every conference.

ThePacketCenter.Com that is just like the ILS server you choose to use need bear no relationship geographically to where you are -- however another difference is that with the ILS server it is necessary that your potential callers know which you will log in to. However with ThePacketCenter.Com all IP addressing issues and server locations are handle with a simple conference code and password forum. ILS is no longer supported by Microsoft

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